Writer’s Workshop: Wind Power

This week, I am following the prompt, “Write a blog post inspired by the word: power.

Having lived in New England for my whole life, I am not a stranger to the power of the wind. Nor’easters, hurricanes, and thunderstorms are all pretty common, and just a regular day of living by the ocean can be pretty windy. It’s usually not much of a problem, and can even be beneficial – for instance, when providing a great site for an offshore wind farm. But lately, things have been a bit out of control.

Oct 27, 2021

On the Tuesday night / Wednesday morning before Halloween, we experienced a strong Nor’easter. We had driven up to Providence on Tuesday night to see Alton Brown (excellent show; I highly recommend) and while there was some rain, the wind wasn’t too bad. The clouds started to clear up, so we figured most of the storm had missed us. We were wrong!

I woke up on Wednesday to a sound like a freight train. I warned my boyfriend that he probably shouldn’t go walk the dog “when the wind is so loud,” but he went anyway. I fell back to sleep and then woke again to the sound of the phone. It was the school calling, saying that they were canceling. Next, I heard a loud gust, followed by a very loud crack, followed by a smash.

I looked out to the backyard but saw nothing. I heard the front door open and went running downstairs. I took one look out the door and groaned. There was part of an 80-foot pine tree down, on both of our cars.

Crushed Cars

Two Crushed Cars

Our insurance company was great, hooking me up with a rental car within hours. Our neighbors came out and helped us clear the tree (no small task). We ended up doing this most of the day, as we couldn’t work without power. There was glass everywhere; such a mess! My car ended up being totaled, while my boyfriend’s needed about $3,000 worth of work. In this market, we were very lucky to find a similarly sized vehicle within our price range, and in the area, so we bought it while waiting for the insurance payout. I’m also lucky to have great credit, I guess. But honestly, I was just so thankful that everyone was OK and inside when this happened.

The Damage

The Damage – Totaled!

Nov 13, 2021

Fast forward a few weeks. My mother was getting ready to go on vacation and needed to use my printer, so we planned to have her come over later that night. My boyfriend and I went to a football game that afternoon and watched as some dark clouds started rolling in, very quickly, at the end. Once we were home, we took the dog for a quick walk, having heard warnings of some severe thunderstorms coming into the area. My car was in the garage this time, and we parked my boyfriend’s car as far away from the trees as we could. Halfway through the walk, we had to bail as the lightning started, then the rain. It was about 15 minutes before my mother was supposed to come over, so I texted her to see if she wanted to come before the storm started to get too bad. She did.

When she arrived at our house, the rain had gotten torrential and the wind was really picking up. We fiddled with the printer, having some issues so not getting things printed as quickly as we would have liked. The rain started to get really loud (I found out later that this was actually hail) and I suggested to my mother that she stay until it was over. Our lights flickered, and my boyfriend received a tornado warning on his phone, but besides some wind, rain, and thunder, things seemed to be OK and the storm was over very quickly. My mom headed home to finish packing.

A few minutes later, she texted me. Her power was out, there were trees down everywhere on her street (she told me later that she had to drive on people’s lawns to get back home), and there were all kinds of rescue vehicles coming into the neighborhood and the street across from the main road. The next day, the National Weather Service confirmed that there had been an EF0 tornado. Several large trees were down; houses, a pool, and some cars bore the brunt of them. One house caught on fire due to the downed tree. Several telephone poles were snapped in half. Most of the neighborhood didn’t have power until late on Sunday. Some miracles: No one was hurt. The tornado came close to two main roads but didn’t seem to go over either one of them. There were no road accidents. It came close to a restaurant but lifted right before. Everyone in the house fire got out.

Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled

Tornado Damage

I’ve been hearing stories about how people were out in restaurants that night and everyone’s phone started going off with the tornado warnings; totally crazy! I cannot believe that it went through my childhood neighborhood (and the one I was living in until a year ago). I have always been a bit of a weather geek, getting the hurricane tracking sheets every season from my local grocery store and obsessed with reading about the tornados of “far away states.” I never thought one would get that close.

Beware the Trees

I talked to a guy from the NWS in Boston (again, nerd alert) because we had questioned if the trees down before Halloween were also due to a tornado (mine wasn’t the only one in the area), but he said he didn’t notice any signs of rotation in that storm but that winds did get up to 80-90mph. I know for a fact that winds that strong can topple a tree because that happened just last year (Aug 4, 2020, in the old neighborhood). After Hurricane Isaias (by then a tropical storm) passed quickly through, the winds were still very strong in its wake. I had been working in my office all day and got up at one point to catch, out of the corner of my eye, the tree outside swaying. I thought the amount of the sway was exaggerated by the refraction of my glasses so I didn’t think too much of it, but every time there was a big gust, I looked outside. At another point, I was coming back into the room and saw the tree sway again. I pulled out my phone and went to the window to get a video, but that never happened. I watched as the tree came right toward me and ran to the other side of the room! It had completely uprooted and partially landed on my house. Luckily, the window did not break and there was minimal damage to my roof. I also had to get the gutters replaced.


The Trees Could All Use a Hug

I guess we’re getting to a point in our town where our trees are too old and too big. These three storms are only a few of many that we’ve had recently in which several big trees have come down. Last week, we decided to take some of the pines down in our yard (technically our neighbor’s yard, with permission), starting with the ones closest to the house and driveway. I love those big old trees, but there’s only so much damage we can take. I’ll just have to appreciate them more when I’m out taking a hike. It’s a great time to become an arborist around here.

Mama’s Losin’ It

Writer’s Workshop: Be Good to Each Other

This week, I am following the prompt: Write a blog post in exactly 12 lines.


I love being a Rhode Islander.

I know that, even in this tiny Northern state that was founded on the principles of religious freedom, there was still slavery early on, and my birthplace, Newport, was a main city involved in the Atlantic triangular slave trade.

I also know that many Native Americans of the Narragansett tribe were massacred here in the Great Swamp Fight, not far from where I live now.

I don’t mind learning about the dark parts of our history.

I think we need to learn about the bad in order to move forward and to continue to do better, and we can look back at the good and be proud.

I love this country, and this state, and want it to be the best it can be.

I want us all to be the best versions of ourselves.

When we allow others to grow and prosper, we all benefit.

I have never understood why some people put so much energy into hate.

If we put half that energy into loving and helping each other, what an amazing life we would all have.

Opinions may differ, but one thing is the same: we are all humans trying to figure out this sometimes crazy life, and we can use all the support we can get.

Be good to one another. <3

Mama’s Losin’ It

Writer’s Workshop: Benji

This week, I am following the prompt: If you could clone a favorite pet from your past, which pet would you choose and why?

I have been lucky enough to have pets around me my whole life, and am currently living with two very good girls – a dog named Callie and a cat named Camille (plus another kitty girl who now lives with her Nana). I wouldn’t trade them for the world; however, if I could clone one and bring him back, I would choose my dog, Benji.

My parents adopted Benji about a year before I was born, so he was a constant presence in my life until I was 14 years old. Named after my father’s favorite uncle, he guarded me as a baby and was a fun playtime companion as I grew older. Benji knew how to do all the tricks: sit, stay, roll over, fetch, speak, give us a paw. My dad always said he thought Benji knew how to speak English, he obeyed so well. In those days, we didn’t have a fence to keep him in the yard. He would wander around, visiting everyone in the neighborhood, and would come back if we let out a certain whistle. He was so smart. My dad said he used to body surf down at the beach, too, so he was also very cool.

Benji and Mom

Benji and my mother

I’m not sure what breed of dog Benji was. He was a mutt — at least part Beagle, we think. The dog on the original label for Smuttynose Old Brown Dog Ale actually reminds me a bit of him, so maybe he was part chocolate lab. If anyone has an idea, I would love to know.


Posing for the camera

When I was really young, I used to refer to Benji as my brother, which I don’t think my mother appreciated very much. Once I actually had a brother, he was still my loyal companion for many years. He passed away at the age of 15, so he lived a very long and happy life for a dog. I was only 14, and my memories of him have faded over the years. But I do remember him being very smart, sweet, and playful.

Benji and me

Me and my guard dog

I loved having Benji as a companion and would love to see him again. Hope you’re happy running around up in pupper heaven, old boy!

Mama’s Losin’ It

Writer’s Workshop: Making Time

This week, I am following the prompt: Write a blog post about something you wish you had more time for each day.

Moose eating some leaves

A recent trip to New Hampshire provided me a great chance to use my camera… and a moose sighting!

I wish I had more time to create every day.

Busy workdays, virtual learning (hopefully not as much of a thing this year), making lunch and snacks for constantly-growing boys (and myself), cleaning up after said boys (and myself), laundry, dishes, nightly walks — my days are full. I have tried to get away from social media as much as possible, but there are definitely days I get sucked into the Instagram vacuum. Then there is “A Handmaid’s Tale,” which I am currently binge-watching (so, so good). I have also made a great habit of reading lately, for about 30 minutes a day. And then there is work training, which I am doing on my own time.

I need and/or want to do all of these things, but how do I make time to fulfill my creative side, too?

In general, I think it’s also hard to schedule creative time.  I may feel the tug in the middle of the day when I am working, only to be left completely without inspiration in the evening when I have some time.  I am hoping maybe a notebook, to write down ideas when they come to me, will help.  I know that lists, my planner, and other notes have been invaluable to me so far for helping me to concentrate.  I acknowledge the thought, write it down if I need to remember it, and then go back to what I was doing.  I may still flip around from task to task a bit, but this helps me to stay on track to get things completed.

I have known for a long time that creating is good for my soul. There are several different ways that I would like to manifest this, but I think I just need to do it, to start anywhere and start small so it’s not overwhelming.  I’m hoping that getting back into this weekly Writer’s Workshop will help kick it off. Thanks, Mama Kat!

Mama’s Losin’ It

On Color

I think a lot when I am in the shower. This is a short poem that came to mind while I was there the other day. I really miss writing and am hoping to be able to make more time for it this year.

Our society is always telling us
Blue eyes are better than brown eyes
Blonde hair is more fun than brown hair
White skin is more beautiful than brown skin
The lighter, the better.
White is pure and sacred, it is not dirty with sin
God is pure white light.
But I think they have it wrong.
God doesn’t just love white, God loves all color.
He paints people like he paints the desert in Arizona
Like He paints the trees in the cool New England fall.
Fresh white snow is beautiful
But isn’t it stunning with the contrast of a bright red Cardinal?
Yes, God’s pure, loving light is white
But white is not the absence of colors —
It’s the combination of them.

Writer’s Workshop: The Girls

Prompt 6: Introduce us to your pets. Where did they come from? How long have you had them? When will you get another? etc. 😉


Bailey (aka Miss Bailey, Bales, Baileygirl)


My ex-husband and I adopted Miss Bailey back in 2006 from a family who fostered pets. She was found in the woods of northern RI with her family. We were looking for a friend for our only cat at the time, Lily. When we divorced, I got custody of Bailey and Lily went with my ex.

Bailey’s original name was “Curtains” because of the markings over her eyes. I thought she looked like the color of Bailey’s Irish Cream and I liked that name better (lush alert), so it was changed. She is really sweet and gentle but does like to hunt. When we lived in a more rural area, we had found mice in the basement and Bailey had caught one or two. She also liked to escape from the house when she was younger. I think she has gotten out in every house I’ve lived in, but luckily she has come back safe every time — including the time she ran away in the rural area and was out for the night. Recently, we bought her a harness and she likes to walk around the yard and sniff the grass (and eat it). She is getting slower, however, and mostly just likes to cuddle when I am on the couch. She cracks me up when she tries to get my attention by patting me on the arm with her paw, like she’s trying to poke me. Bailey’s favorite food is tuna, but she also has a thing for pancakes. You’ll find her begging for a piece when I make them on weekends. Her favorite toys are catnip balls and the laser pointer.

Bailey likes me but she really loves her boy, my son. She likes to be by his side, especially when he’s on the couch. This is nothing new!

Camille (aka Miss Camille, Camille-eon, Ladygirl)


Camille was adopted a little over two years ago, in October of 2017. My son had some money saved up and wanted to spend it to rescue a cat. His dream was to have an orange cat, and we happened to find one at the shelter. She really seemed sweet and liked us there, so we filled out the application and brought her home. She was really scared at first and took a while to warm up, but she rules the roost now. She seemed a bit crazy, as well, and I am not sure about her background, but she has calmed down quite a bit. She has the world’s fastest-growing claws and seems to do best when we keep them trimmed. She won’t let me do this, so that means more trips to the vet! Camille is into her dry cat food and likes to eat Bailey’s too. It’s OK, though, since Bailey eats her wet food. She is very active and will play with all kinds of toys. Unfortunately, most of them are under my couch and other furniture right now so I need to dig them out for her!

Camille is truly my shadow cat and will follow me around the house when I am home. She greets me every morning. I don’t allow the cats in my room when I sleep (way too much noise) so she is waiting by the door when I get up in the morning. I have not figured out where this love comes from (I keep telling her Josh was the one who rescued her!) but I will take it.

Want to join in on the fun? Check out Mama Kat’s website and the Writer’s Workshop!

Mama’s Losin’ It

Back to Blogging

It has been quite a long time since I’ve blogged, and I’m going to be honest — it feels pretty weird. About 12 years ago, I started a blog on Google’s Blogger platform when I was pregnant with my son, to kind of document the whole process. I had dabbled in blogging a few times (LiveJournal, MySpace) but that was the first one that stuck. I felt like I finally had something to write about when I had a child. Later, I used my blog to display photos and participate in weekly writing prompts, and met a lot of really nice people through it. I was always looking to create some sort of theme to my blog but I see now that it really was all about discovering myself. I’m hoping to continue on that journey now.

Things have changed a lot in the last four years since I stopped blogging. I (along with the rest of my team) was laid off from my job of 17 years, and I have had a couple of different jobs since then. I’m still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up! I had a lot less time in the last two years of the last blog since I had gotten divorced and was trying to do all the things for myself and my son. I still don’t have much free time but I am getting better at organizing myself. I met a very kind, smart, and handsome man and my son and I have been spending a lot of time with him and his two sons. That has been my favorite addition!

There are always a million things to do in a day, but I am hoping I can once again make time to write and to take photographs. I have missed these creative outlets and I think I could really use them. I know I’m not the best writer (I think I’m too “stiff”) but hopefully, I can share some ideas with others — and some photos.