
As a full-time working mom, I don’t have much free time. As much as I can, I try to find time to do things I enjoy such as writing, playing hockey, kayaking, hiking, shooting photos, listening to podcasts about history and science, and modernizing my coding skills (which I don’t get to do at work). My ADHD brain is interested in a lot of things! Here are some of the digitally related projects I have been working on when time allows.



I am currently expanding my coding skills via the Front End Developer track on Scrimba. They have some really fun weekly challenges that allow me to practice my skills quickly, without having to set up my system or come up with ideas on what to code. With their website, I can just code and test all within the browser. My entries have been a bit simple, but I have learned quite a bit between these challenges and the lessons.

Other Websites and Experience

  • Healing Therapeutic Massage (WordPress)
  • Healthy Express Foods (WordPress and Square)
  • Wayside Landscaping (set up hosting, email, and am planning updates)
  • I volunteered with my son’s elementary school for 5 years, maintaining their PTO website and helping with PayPal integration for online payments.
  • I often help family and friends with technical issues and recently helped a family member debug her Nightscout set-up, which will help her to monitor her glucose levels and manage her diabetes.