Writer’s Workshop: Be Good to Each Other

This week, I am following the prompt: Write a blog post in exactly 12 lines.


I love being a Rhode Islander.

I know that, even in this tiny Northern state that was founded on the principles of religious freedom, there was still slavery early on, and my birthplace, Newport, was a main city involved in the Atlantic triangular slave trade.

I also know that many Native Americans of the Narragansett tribe were massacred here in the Great Swamp Fight, not far from where I live now.

I don’t mind learning about the dark parts of our history.

I think we need to learn about the bad in order to move forward and to continue to do better, and we can look back at the good and be proud.

I love this country, and this state, and want it to be the best it can be.

I want us all to be the best versions of ourselves.

When we allow others to grow and prosper, we all benefit.

I have never understood why some people put so much energy into hate.

If we put half that energy into loving and helping each other, what an amazing life we would all have.

Opinions may differ, but one thing is the same: we are all humans trying to figure out this sometimes crazy life, and we can use all the support we can get.

Be good to one another. <3

Mama’s Losin’ It

2 thoughts on “Writer’s Workshop: Be Good to Each Other

  1. Patty says:

    It seems that, today, more than ever before, pausing to think before we act, speak and then move head first into some hateful debate, has fallen by the wayside.

    I agree with you on so much wasted human energy. Day after day, it just continues and it’s exhaustively counter-productive.

    Great post, Jessica!

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