Writer’s Workshop: Benji

This week, I am following the prompt: If you could clone a favorite pet from your past, which pet would you choose and why?

I have been lucky enough to have pets around me my whole life, and am currently living with two very good girls – a dog named Callie and a cat named Camille (plus another kitty girl who now lives with her Nana). I wouldn’t trade them for the world; however, if I could clone one and bring him back, I would choose my dog, Benji.

My parents adopted Benji about a year before I was born, so he was a constant presence in my life until I was 14 years old. Named after my father’s favorite uncle, he guarded me as a baby and was a fun playtime companion as I grew older. Benji knew how to do all the tricks: sit, stay, roll over, fetch, speak, give us a paw. My dad always said he thought Benji knew how to speak English, he obeyed so well. In those days, we didn’t have a fence to keep him in the yard. He would wander around, visiting everyone in the neighborhood, and would come back if we let out a certain whistle. He was so smart. My dad said he used to body surf down at the beach, too, so he was also very cool.

Benji and Mom

Benji and my mother

I’m not sure what breed of dog Benji was. He was a mutt — at least part Beagle, we think. The dog on the original label for Smuttynose Old Brown Dog Ale actually reminds me a bit of him, so maybe he was part chocolate lab. If anyone has an idea, I would love to know.


Posing for the camera

When I was really young, I used to refer to Benji as my brother, which I don’t think my mother appreciated very much. Once I actually had a brother, he was still my loyal companion for many years. He passed away at the age of 15, so he lived a very long and happy life for a dog. I was only 14, and my memories of him have faded over the years. But I do remember him being very smart, sweet, and playful.

Benji and me

Me and my guard dog

I loved having Benji as a companion and would love to see him again. Hope you’re happy running around up in pupper heaven, old boy!

Mama’s Losin’ It

2 thoughts on “Writer’s Workshop: Benji

  1. Kat says:

    Benji was CUTE! I love all of the pictures you were able to find of him and I would have guessed lab for his breed. Although he might be a tad small for a lab. You must have been so broken-hearted to lose him as a teen. He did his job well!

    • admin says:

      Thank you! I was thinking if he was lab and beagle, that may have explained his smaller size. I think my whole family was broken-hearted when he passed; he was such a good boy!

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