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Wordless Wednesday: Winter Wonderland

In my last post on this blog (a link-up called “Currently”), I was lamenting the lack of snow this winter. Well, apparently the Great Maker of Snow got the message, because we’ve had plenty of it since! First a blizzard, and then a couple of smaller storms. Woo hoo! Unfortunately, there’s also been an abundance of germs around this home, so the little man and I haven’t been able to go play out in it much. Our fingers are crossed that the most recent ailment (stomach virus) will be gone this weekend, so we can finally go sledding!

That said, I haven’t been out much. There’s been a lot of working from home. (It’s a good thing I like this place.) When I did get out, it was to take a road trip to Long Island to see the Bruins play the Islanders with my friend, to build a snowman (and make a couple hundred snowballs) with Josh, and to watch the birds hanging out around my neighbors’ feeders. Well, I guess that last one is also an inside activity. I made it to Zumba a couple of times, too, including the pre-Superbowl workout that I didn’t really need because the aforementioned stomach virus kept me from eating too much. Go Pats!

Here are some of the images from the past couple of weeks.

During the blizzard

Digging out

Joshua and Nana made an igloo while I was working one day

View of NYC from the Whitestone bridge

Serious snowball making

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Peaceful trees, happy birds


This was my favorite bird. And I’m hoping for a bonus at work this year so I can get a better lens for my camera. I can’t set the aperture low enough when I zoom, to get a nice blurred background. Camera / First World probs.



Our snowman, Snowbi Wan Kanobi

Linking up with Ruchira for Wordless Wednesday

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