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Wordless Wednesday: Looking Skyward

This past weekend was our local air show. I live really close to the base, so I was able to catch a lot of it from my house. I caught some of the US Navy’s Blue Angels performance from outside:
And some from my bedroom window:
The Canadian Forces’ Snowbirds were there, as well. I caught most of their performance from the car on Saturday, while stuck in traffic trying to bring Joshua up to his golf lessons. And I caught some from the backyard on Sunday:
The real birds were entertaining, too. I missed several hummingbird photo ops, but caught these black birds. Crows? I’m not sure, but I do know that you can see the damage done to our poor tree by an inchworm infestation. They were really bad everywhere in our town this Spring.

Most of the other birds were freaking out, but this one wanted in on the action with the Blue Angels:

It was fun looking up to the sky this week. It was a bit of a challenge to get some good photos, but it definitely helped me learn more about my camera to take shots from a new perspective.
Linking up with Ruchira for Wordless Wednesday

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