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The 2012 Resolution List

It’s Monday (well, technically, Tuesday) and that means it’s time for Stasha’s Monday Listicles. This week’s list is 10 New Year’s resolutions we will never keep (suggested by Mountain Momma). I’d like to think that I might keep some of these, but we’ll see. I’m REALLY trying to keep #1.

1. Relax more, worry less. Don’t worry, be happy.
2. Get to bed before midnight. Or, at least 1am. Yep, failed that one tonight!
3. Exercise more / lose weight. Well, at least I have hockey once a week. Planning to add Zumba every Wednesday, and hopefully some Kinect dancing and exercise once I get that set up.
4. Find Josh a good preschool, and get him involved in some activities so he can play with other kids his age.
5. Continue to learn more about photography.
6. Be less hard on myself. This may be the hardest one, I think.
7. Get the little man potty trained. FUN.
8. Go to church every Sunday. I went this week; so far so good.
9. Dig out the piano lesson books, and practice again. I miss it.
10. Be punctual for Monday Listicles. Maybe someday. 🙂

I guess the Josh ones are more “To Do”s than resolutions, but this was a tough list!

2 thoughts on “The 2012 Resolution List

  1. #10 is your thing, you cannot go changing that! Hey it is still Monday here 🙂
    I hope you get to do all of these, they sound full of promise, honestly!

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