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Sunday Scavenger Hunt [1/8/12]

It’s time once again for the Sunday Scavenger Hunt! Well, technically, it’s Tuesday, but who’s counting?  I only thought to look at the list on Sunday, so I caught a few things around the house. Here we go.

1. One Color

The blank slate before the little guy started drawing.

2. Laundry

My hockey laundry while it was still clean. You can see my purple/black/white jersey and the Denver Broncos bandanna I wear under my mask.  Go Tebow! 🙂  I play a couple of miles away from Gillette Stadium, home of the Patriots.  I like both teams, so next weekend’s face-off should be fun to watch.

3. Empty

Empty box of crayons.

4. One Dozen

Twelve crayons, out of the box. 🙂

5. Soft

Josh’s current favorite stuffed animal.

5 thoughts on “Sunday Scavenger Hunt [1/8/12]

  1. I love the stuffed animal for your Soft shot! So very cute!

    It has been intersting to see that quite a few people have used crayons or colored pencils for this week's scavenger hunt. But each one is different and unique to the photographer. You managed to get the empty box and the crayons! Very good!

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