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Scavenger Hunt… Tuesday?

So, technically, it’s Tuesday. I’m a little late for Ashley‘s Scavenger Hunt Sunday, but I guess it’s better late than never, right? Here are my interpretations from this past weekend.

1. Water

Wetlands Trail at the zoo.

2. Light

Looking forward to more sunshine.

3. Chocolate

Josh and I aren’t really into chocolate. Goldfish crackers, on the other hand… yum.

4. Animal

No matter where the zebras are when we go to see them at the zoo, they always come over to the fence. I think they like Josh. Or they are total hams.

5. Crowded

This bench is awfully crowded.

5 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt… Tuesday?

  1. LOVE Josh and crowded. Well they are all great shots but those too are my fav and I am sticking to it. Also I really want some goldfish now!

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