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Scavenger Hunt Sunday

It’s very early Sunday morning, and I can’t sleep. Scavenger Hunt time? Sure. Although I’ll regret the late night when Josh wakes up early tomorrow morning. Sigh. I’m going all Instagram again this week because I had an accident with my camera. Being as graceful as I am, I dropped it and the lens cap got jammed on my favorite lens. I’ll be on a mission to get that fixed this week!

1. Crossed

Slightly obsessed with sunsets
Crossed trees

2. A Glimpse

This winter, playing in the snow = dancing in the snow flurries
Just a glimpse of snow from the several snow squalls we had today (you have to look closely for the snow!).

3. Handwritten

The Log
My diet log. I left out the weight, but am happy to announce I have lost 10lbs as of this week. Woot!

4. Bliss

Fiesta Tonight
Guinness, an autograph session with one of the Patriots, and a hockey game (a win for the PBruins). Last night was my kind of bliss!

5. Gray

Snow Ahead
Snow squalls in the distance.

9 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt Sunday

  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry about your camera! Hope you get it all fixed up soon. Thanks goodness for instagram, ey?! Really loved your glimpse, & bliss takes!

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