I feel like the past three days of this workshop have been a complete failure on my part. Day 4 (Monday)’s assignment was to photograph the “morning light,” something that reassures us and prepares us for our day. Well, I haven’t seen much morning light for the past few days due to the rain. Also, mornings are spent rushing around with little time for anything other than getting ready for work, and getting Josh ready for his day. So, that one will have to wait for this weekend.
Edit (10/10/10): I ended up submitting a photo I took on Friday during my morning commute. Morning at home is too hectic, and then there’s work. I am lucky to have a scenic and generally traffic-free commute, which gives me time to listen to music, drink coffee, and wake up without too much stress.
Day 5 (Tuesday)’s assignment was to photograph a word or words that we think we need to hear, a “simple reminder.” I didn’t stumble upon any words that day that spoke to me, so I had to come up with something on my own. Today, I decided that the word should be “Relax,” something I need to keep reminding myself to do. I chose to represent that word by photographing it in candlelight. It came out alright; I wasn’t thrilled with it.
Interestingly enough, in that assignment email, the teacher spoke of the power of self-talk, and that we need to be kind to ourselves. Apparently, that’s a lesson I really need.
Today (Day 6)’s assignment was to photograph “a palette of a single color, hue or tint” and make it interesting by drawing out elements such a texture and shape. I’m not exactly sure I got it right, but I thought the picture (of a basket) came out pretty cool.
I wish I had time to photograph outside of the house, since I feel like I am running out of things to photograph here. Unfortunately, that’s only going to happen on the weekends. Maybe.