As you all probably know by now, Joshua Roger has finally arrived! He was born on … Welcome, Joshua!Read more
Baby Countdown: Week 37
Woah, Mama. Someone’s getting big: It feels like the baby could be here any day now; … Baby Countdown: Week 37Read more
Getting Cozy
Kevin and I welcomed two new additions to the house on Saturday — a couch and … Getting CozyRead more
Baby Countdown: Week 35
With less than five weeks to go, it feels like my belly is getting bigger everyday. … Baby Countdown: Week 35Read more
Baby Countdown: Week 32
I can’t believe that there are only 8 more weeks left until the baby is due. … Baby Countdown: Week 32Read more
Baby Countdown: Week 26
Things have been busy in our household these days, preparing for the baby’s arrival. We’ve been … Baby Countdown: Week 26Read more
Baby Countdown: Week 21
Kevin and I went for another ultrasound on Thursday (August 21). The baby was much more … Baby Countdown: Week 21Read more
Baby Countdown: Week 17
On Wednesday, July 23, we went for another ultrasound. We were hoping to be able to … Baby Countdown: Week 17Read more
Baby Countdown: Week 15
It’s hard to believe, but I have already been pregnant for 15 weeks. There’s not too … Baby Countdown: Week 15Read more
Baby’s First Outfit
Nana LaBelle is making sure we have the proper sports apparel for the baby: