Originally posted on my WordPress site
I think a lot when I am in the shower. This is a short poem that came to mind while I was there the other day. I really miss writing and am hoping to be able to make more time for it this year.
Our society is always telling us
Blue eyes are better than brown eyes
Blonde hair is more fun than brown hair
White skin is more beautiful than brown skin
The lighter, the better.
White is pure and sacred, it is not dirty with sin
God is pure white light.
But I think they have it wrong.
God doesn’t just love white, God loves all color.
He paints people like he paints the desert in Arizona
Like He paints the trees in the cool New England fall.
Fresh white snow is beautiful
But isn’t it stunning with the contrast of a bright red Cardinal?
Yes, God’s pure, loving light is white
But white is not the absence of colors —
It’s the combination of them.