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I was thinking today about how I am always grumpy and standoffish when I think others don’t like me, and how it’s probably because of that attitude that they don’t like me. Kind of a vicious cycle. So maybe it’s time to stop worrying about what others think of me and just be happy. If only I could do that. I’m sure I’d be a lot less awkward, too.

I also thought about this story that my cousin told me. She is living in Mississippi, where racism is still prevalent. A couple she knows has a daughter named Millie — a happy, very outgoing child. Millie, who is African American, walked up to a Caucasian girl one day in their local Walmart, and started to talk to her. The girl, who was annoyed, leaned forward and simply said to Millie, “I’m White.” Millie replied, “Hello, White! I’m Millie!”

If only we all could be so innocent. 🙂

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