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Long Overdue

Oh boy, am I in trouble. I haven’t posted since November. I knew it had been a long time, but didn’t realize it had been quite so long. December was an extremely hectic month, especially the last week. In that week, we celebrated Christmas and Joshua’s first birthday, and moved. We haven’t sold our old house yet, but moved into our “dream house” and are currently renting while we try to sell. It is crazy, but we love it here… even despite my hour-long commute to work.

Joshua loves the house, too. There is tons of space for him to play and roam around (still crawling, but doing plenty of cruising along the furniture, too). He has a whole room just for his toys, and man does he have a lot of them! We feel really lucky to be here, and I hope we will be able to sell our other house and stay. Prayers, wishes, and crossed fingers would be greatly appreciated.

Obviously, a lot has changed since my last post. Josh is more than 2 months older, and that’s a huge deal in baby time. He’s one now, which means no more formula and no more bottles. He’s eating some of our food (mashed or processed through the Magic Bullet), drinking whole milk and apple juice in his sippy cups, and self-feeding with rice puffs and other bite-sized bits. He even drank out of a juice box the other day — I tried it out of curiosity while we were at a party, and he actually figured out the straw. It has been so fun watching him imitate people (at this point, anyway, it’s cute). When I blow on his food to cool it, he does the same. When someone blows him a kiss, he will do it back. He’s really been trying to repeat words, too, and loves to babble in his own little baby language. He is so expressive, too. I think he’s going to be a good storyteller someday! In fact, sometimes when I read him a book, he points to the words and/or pictures and pretends he is reading, too.

Josh is still into music. We were playing on my keyboard one day, and he was playing each note, trying to sing it. So cute. He’ll hold an “Ah” as long (and as loud) as he can and try to get others to join in. And of course, he claps with a “Yay!” after someone finishes a song. He really loved it when everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to him. And when we went on the “Polar Express” train ride back in December, he loved the part where everyone sang Christmas carols.

He has about 6 teeth now — 2 top and 4 bottom. Four of them came in around his birthday, and he hasn’t gotten any others. I think some more may be on their way, though, because he’s been chewing on his fingers (and anything he can get his fingers on) like crazy. He loves it when I brush his teeth, and he loves to check out other people’s teeth. He will actually look at someone and say “Ahh” like a doctor, and try to stick his finger in their mouth to check out their teeth. An aspiring dentist, perhaps? We shall see.

We’ve pretty much confirmed that Josh is a lefty, like Kevin’s uncle Tom and nephew Maysen, and my uncle Bob. It’s becoming more and more evident. He’s actually better at picking up food with his right hand, but will use his left 90% of the time. Must be more comfortable. And his left hand usage is almost always dominant when he plays.

Well, I think I’ve analyzed my child enough, and it’s time to go to bed. I still can’t believe he is over a year old. That first year went by so fast. It’s sad that time is flying, but I am really enjoying this stage in his life — so fun and full of discovery for him. I am looking forward to teaching him as much as I can, and cuddling with him while he still lets me!

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