Last Sunday, Joshua and I enjoyed an afternoon at the Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence. … A Day (and Night) at the ZooRead more
My Photos
Writer’s Workshop: My Pumpkin and Our Patch
This week, I’m following the prompt: 5.) Show us your pumpkin patch. If there is a … Writer’s Workshop: My Pumpkin and Our PatchRead more
Flames of Hope
One of the most touching tributes to those who have been afflicted with breast cancer that … Flames of HopeRead more
Back in September, we got all ramped up for our trip to Disneyworld — and at … FrozenRead more
Wordless Wednesday: Our Trip to Disneyworld
I’ve been away for a few weeks while enjoying a much-needed vacation, and then recovering from … Wordless Wednesday: Our Trip to DisneyworldRead more
Wordless Wednesday: My Hometown
I meant to post these photos last week of my impromptu photo shoot a couple of … Wordless Wednesday: My HometownRead more
Wordless Wednesday: August
It appears I pretty much took the summer off from blogging, and in some ways, photography … Wordless Wednesday: AugustRead more
Wordless Wednesday: Around Town
Linking up with Ruchira for Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday: My July
Hurricane Arthur dampened (and chilled) our 4th of July. But the weather was perfect for fireworks … Wordless Wednesday: My JulyRead more
Wordless Wednesday: Fun at the Aquarium
Linking up with Ruchira for Wordless Wednesday