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[241/365] Rain, Rain

I didn’t get any photos capturing the buckets of rain coming down today, or the gusty wind, but it was quite a nasty day.
[241/365] Rain, Rain
The high temperature was in the 60s, so it wasn’t too cold for Joshua to have a quick play in the puddles before I brought him home. Sadly, this was taken about 4:30pm. So dark.
There were swarms of moths outside because it was so warm. The temperature is down into the 30s now, and the high is only supposed to be 33F tomorrow, so they won’t last long. I couldn’t capture the swarm, but I got one (sorta).
Then, it was home to make dessert for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Pumpkin pie is Joshua’s favorite, and he was a big help making it.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate them! 🙂

Linking up with Ruchira over at Abracabadra for Wordless Wednesday.

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