Linking up with Ruchira from Abracabadra for Wordless Wednesday
Month: January 2014
Writer’s Workshop: Legends
2.) Share one of your “did that really just happen to me” life moments. Sometimes I … Writer’s Workshop: LegendsRead more
Mirror, Mirror
Last night, a bunch of my favorite Mama bloggers began to post photos of themselves, in … Mirror, MirrorRead more
[302/365] Field and Trees
Pretty self-explanatory. 🙂
MixTape: Songs for a Friend
One of your friends is feeling down and needs to feel better. Make a mix to … MixTape: Songs for a FriendRead more
[301/365] Catching Light
Going simple tonight. Seeing as I keep dozing off as I try to post this, I … [301/365] Catching LightRead more
[300/365] Blue Skies
The skies were gorgeous this morning on the way to and from Joshua’s hockey practice. Too … [300/365] Blue SkiesRead more
[299/365] Snow Fun
Joshua and I bundled up and headed outside on Saturday morning. The temperature was a balmy … [299/365] Snow FunRead more
[298/365] View from the Home Office
[297/365] Tiny Bubbles
I take photos of pretty much anything. Some more snow photos, as well: