It was a lovely and lazy day. Lily spent a good part of the day on the couch. In fact, she’s still laying there right now.
She had some company — Joshua’s stuffed cats, Gilbert and Mittens.
Call me crazy, but I even let Joshua take some photos of her with the D-SLR. This one was my favorite:
It was a lazy day for the humans, too, but we did manage to get the house decorated for Fall/Halloween. I even carved Joshua a little sugar pumpkin which was supposed to be a tiger but turned into a cat, and now looks like a goofy Pokemon. I tried, and he likes it, so I guess that’s all that matters, right? We got a Pumpkin Talker from Hallmark, which he is all excited about. He really wanted our pumpkin to be like one of the ones at our zoo’s annual Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular, and this was close. Well, minus the awesome carving that they do.
I put Josh in charge of decorating the dry sink. He lined the Eeyores up nicely. And yes, I realize they are for Thanksgiving, but I think they may be my only Thanksgiving decorations, so they can stay.
Ragweed is in the air, but otherwise, it was a pretty relaxing and pleasant weekend. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!